Weight Management Video Session (Arabic)

فيديو دورة لإدارة الوزن (باللغة العربية)

I have conducted full session about weight management session on 18th July, 2024 around 1 hour it was with collaboration with Safaa Academy Science. Its a long term health investment, I assure you many are not knowledgable about it, and full of values, especially Q, and A

I remember Quote:

"Give him a fish, he will eat for one day, teach him how to fish, he will eat for life."

It covered following contents: 

  1. Role as personal trainer
  2. Changes of the client Mindset
  3. Caloric Calculation losing or gaining weight
  4. strategies to break the platuea 
  5. Ways to motivate client and establish long term
  6. Question, and Answer related to the session


Video was conducted in Arabic language 

If you wish to purchase recording you can contact 

Mr.Mesaed Madani Al Zaheri 

Mobile number: +966509916386